Health Is Internal Beauty


Jean Kerr was nearer to the truth than she may have understood. Every external organ of the body is eligible to be called amazing, but they get excluded from the beauty contest because internal organs are usually seen by surgeons. We’d describe them in relation to attractiveness, if our internal organs were found, and contour and standard colour would be considered amazing. You need just compare images of ordinary healthy internal organs with images of diseased counterparts and their contaminated in the medical books to convince yourself that beauty and health are interchangeable.

A healthy colon looks like muscles that are equally braided. On the other hand, unhealthy colons are deformed: twisted and looped in some parts, engorged and ballooned in others, as shown by barium X rays. See with a colon therapist, if simply to watch the images of unhealthy colons and see for yourself how awful one can be on the interior.

The blood of a healthy individual is also amazing. The red blood cells are uniformly round. The blood of a body full of toxins is contaminated with abnormal proteins pathological bacteria, and parasites. When red blood corpuscles clump together, the illness is called Rouleau or “tacky” blood. This clumpy, Rouleau, unattractive blood, seems 5 to 20 years before symptoms of sickness present themselves. It’s an early messenger of hundreds of degenerative diseases. Conglomerates of red blood cells cannot get the fine capillaries of the body. Rouleau is very damaging to the organs of the head, specifically the eyes, ears, and scalp. A diet full of meat and dairy products increases the stickiness of your platelets. Blood that becomes tacky is a certain forerunner of heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots.

The arterial pipelines in a healthy circulatory system are clean and clear from obstructions. In healthy arteries, the inner lining, known as the intima, is smooth, supple, and without cracks. A cross section of a typical coronary artery reveals blood or no arterial thickening -obstructing plaque deposits.

An entirely different image is painted by an unhealthy circulatory system. The middle muscle layer of the artery can no longer completely recoil after the boat has enlarged. Elasticity of the artery walls is reduced, and hollows and cracks appear. They get bunches of platelets, cholesterol deposits, fat collections, and calcium. Cholesterol deposits roughen the interior surfaces and damage the walls of the arteries. Initially, plaque buildup doesn’t cause distress–it’s not simply beautiful. But afterwards, thick, clogged bloodstream leads to coronary arteries occluded with oily build-up, which effects circulation and causes deterioration of the connective tissues. Unusual and deterioration hardening of the arteries lead to a procedure called arteriosclerosis and can cause stroke, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.

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